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Chromaneum II is an outdoor exhibition folly built to house the emotive panels of time which this calendar showcases. The central gallery is based on the golden section spiral denoting nature and infinity, while the flanking spaces are derived from a spiral based on the fibonacci sequence denoting man-made finite origins. The set is minimal to make light, reflection and refraction the dominating perceptual experience. The enlarged transparencies, illuminated from the rear by spotlights in the piers, are sandwiched between glass. They catalogue the strata of excavations leading to the panels' discovery. The adjacent panels of time are lit by spotlights inside the reflecting pools. These metal panels, originating from a ruinous Saqqaran temple, were primed by the ancients with sacred acids in order to allow them to develop through interactions with the elements in time. This precursor to modern emulsion continues to grow deeper with time. |